Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pasta Ponza

Day 5-I was actually really happy to cook last night. I couldn't wait to get started. There were two reasons for my joy, this recipe was super easy and I was trying to put off cleaning the house for as long as possible. This recipe has cherry tomatoes (both yellow and red), capers, olive oil, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, Romano cheese, and ziti

Sadly when picking this recipe I did not take into account the fact that Anthony doesn't really care for two of the ingredients, cherry tomatoes and capers. Since they were pretty essential ingredients, I had a feeling we would not be eating this meal again. The recipe was doomed from the start.

I cut the recipe in half time including the pasta. I'm not making that mistake again, but I did forget to cut the amount of capers in half (oops!). After cutting the tomatoes, you mix them with the capers, olive oil, salt and pepper. Then you sprinkle the breadcrumbs on top and bake for 30 minutes. From the start it just didn't look right to me. I moved on and cooked the pasta; we had to eat!

Once everything was done, you mix the pasta, tomatoes and cheese together. It did not work out. The breadcrumbs were wet lumps. Nothing like what the picture showed. Anthony wanted to know what happened. I told him that I followed the directions exactly, he didn't really believe me. I'm telling all of you that I really DID follow the directions, the only thing I messed up was adding too many capers.

Final Product (not very attractive):
I won't be making this recipe again. It didn't taste horrible, but since Anthony doesn't even like some of the most important ingredients I'm not going to bother trying it again. Oh and it turns out, I don't really like capers either. Oh well, you can't like everything.

Totals: 10 minutes prep, 30 minutes cooking, 1 pot, 1 glass baking dish

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