Last night was supposed to be frozen pizza night, but if you’ve read my previous posts then you probably can guess what we had instead. We had the pound of left-over pasta that was sitting in the refrigerator. Well not all of it, but a good chunk of it. I still think it was tasty, especially with Frank’s Red Hot and some Parmesan on top.
I tried practicing holing the knife and dicing an onion the proper way. Most of the time I hold knives the proper way, but occasionally my pesky index finger creeps up on top of the knife. Anyway, I think the onion I tried on was too small. The knife came very close to my fingers a few too many times, and I stopped because I was scared. I do plan on trying this again. I’m going to buy a bigger onion on Friday. Maybe I should buy two, since we all know the first one isn’t going to be done right.
You might be wondering why I am so caught up on having the proper knife skills. I have a history of cutting myself while just slicing rolls and cleaning knives. I don’t have to be chopping stuff to get injured! If I learn the right way to hold a knife and the proper way to chop items, then there is less of a chance of an injury occurring. Of course this isn’t always the case. A few years ago, Anthony was chopping Romaine (I’m assuming he was doing it correctly) and the knife slipped. He almost cut off the tip of his finger. We had to go to the ED and have it repaired (I don’t know what they did exactly, because there is no way I was watching that!). Needless to say after seeing the blood from that one cut, I do not want to repeat that again. This is why I am so fearful of using knives.
The next topic I wanted to bring up is you folks that are reading my blog. How do you like it so far? What are some topics you would like me to discuss? Are there any recipes that you would like me to try cooking (don’t go too crazy with this, I don’t want any 800 step recipes…this is home cooking!)? Let me know by commenting on this post. There is link below this post that will allow you to make comments.
Next up for tonight will be Tandoori Chicken Kabobs and tomorrow will be another pasta dish. I believe that one is a Giada de Laurentiis recipe. After that my vacation will have started (well it officially starts Friday at 4:30!) and I probably won’t be doing a ton of cooking next week. My father is visiting from NJ. I will most still be sharing some pictures and thoughts about food that I had while dining out. Maybe I can recreate a dish I had while dining out. I said maybe, don’t get too excited.
Again if you like what you’re reading please follow me with the link on the right. And please comment on what you would like to see on here. It’s been a week since I started this blog, but it feels like an eternity. Just a heads up for those thinking of starting one, they are a lot of work if you want to have daily updates.
So far, so good on the blog--I enjoy reading!