Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Fasting Thoughts

I was fasting in protest to the proposed budget cuts to nutritional assistance programs in the United States. I tracked my day of fasting on Facebook. Below is a recap of my status updates throughout the day on April 6, 2011.

Post 1:  It's 8:00 a.m. and I glanced over to my right where I normally stash my cereal and there isn't any there. Coffee for breakfast might be okay though. At least I'm not hungry yet.
Post 2:  Just heard the word Whopper and am suddenly very hungry.
Post 3: ‎ 10:23 and my stomach is starting to grumble. Makes me feel sad for everyone that feels this way and can't afford food to stop the grumbling.
Post 4:  I just got out of a meeting and thought "Oh good I can eat now." I forgot. Sigh.
Post 5:  Food smells all around me.
Post 6:  Huge growl coming from my stomach. Guess it likes the smell of my orange tea steeping. It will be sad when all it gets is more liquid.
Post 7:  Hmmm think I'm getting super hungry. I just felt woozy. Guess the one piece of gum I chewed didn't help me.
Post 8:  Now that I've left work expended some calories and found an I could be towed notice on my car I'm ravenous!
Post 9:  Fading fast. I might have to break down and have some chicken broth.
Post 10: Cat litter commercials even have food in them. What a great combination. Yuck!
Post 11: It's been 24 hours now. I appreciate the fact that I can feed myself whenever and whatever I like anytime. I'm riding the fast out and will eat in the morning.
Last Post this morning:  Well I had my first bite of food at 7:20 a.m. I wasn't as satisfied by it as I thought I would be. I think it's because if I really was a food insecure person I wouldn't be eating today again. Today I'll be posting on my blog today some thoughts I had while fasting yesterday.

My overall experience with the fast was actually quite good. Looking at my posts I think I was being a bit dramatic at times. I really never felt that terrible. There were a few times while I was sleeping last night that I felt nauseous, but that's about it. Since I'm not one of the many people going hungry in our county, it probably helped knowing that when I woke up today I could eat whatever I wanted. Boy did I feel guilty after I ate my bacon, egg, and cheese on a wheat bagel with hash browns. Selfish much.

Since this is a food blog let's talk about food. I only had 3 cups of tea, 3 cups of coffee, and 2 pieces of gum (couldn't give up that habit even if I wanted to!) yesterday. Why was it that if all I had was liquid I wasn't feeling very hungry? Are we hungry, or are we really just thirsty? I've read numerous articles that say that we eat when we feel hungry even though all we really need is to quench our thirst. The day before the fast I was pretty busy at work and I didn't get to eat my breakfast until around 10 a.m. (Normally I eat between 7:30-8:30 a.m.) I'm not even sure it was even necessary to eat my breakfast at that point. I think I could have done without it and just ate out of habit. I need to become a more conscious eater. Eating out of boredom is something I do a lot and was probably the hardest thing I had to overcome during the fast.

We are a food obsessed nation (almost every commercial I saw last night had some sort of food in it) and I am a food obsessed person, but with food costs getting higher and higher it's getting harder for a lot of people to afford to eat the way we all like to. I will be taking a closer look at what I purchase at the grocery store this week, because my total at the register keeps rising every week. I can't imagine how scary it must be for people not as fortunate as me. There are many people in our country who have to go to bed hungry and not know whether they will be able to eat tomorrow or even a week from now. How did our country get so out of whack? It's unbelievable. Everyone should have food to eat. It's so sad that the people in charge don't seem to understand how important food is for survival. Here's to hoping that we continue to value the nutrional assistance programs available in our country so that nobody has to go an entire day without food. Donate to your local food bank if you can!


  1. I was watching Extreme Couponing last night & these people stock pile food & other items that they paid pennies for or got free. I was sickened by their gluttony. One couple had 50 bags of chips. (They were both obese) but I said if I got into that type of couponinf id donate so much to food banks, shelters etc. These people interviewed said they coupon for the thrill of it. They could still get the thrill & help the not so fortunate out. The show really frustrated me! Sheesh...thanks 4 letting me vent. LOL

  2. I've never seen that show (just the ads for it) and I guess I can understand why they do it, they are trying to save money which everyone is trying to do right now. But I really wonder if the people who do that stuff actually eat everything they buy (maybe in that couples case they do!) or if it ends up going bad and they have to throw it out. I agree with you, I would totally donate that stuff to a food bank. I'm thinking when the stores do those $10 for 10 item deals I might buy the ten items and donate the majority to the food bank. Just another idea of how to donate!

  3. Good for you! It turns out the nutrition assistance programs didn't take too big of a hit this year but the FY12 budget will be interesting. It is likely that they will block grant the SNAP program.
