Day 11-Even though I still feel like I’m not getting anywhere, the challenge continues. I feel like nothing in the last few weeks has changed. I still have a mental blockage when I walk into the kitchen. There is no confidence or a sense of calm. Nothing. I would say what I have as I enter the kitchen is kitchen anxiety. I’m not sure if this actually has anything to do with the anxiety disorder that I suffered from when I was younger. My thought is that it doesn’t and I’m just trying to find an excuse for my terrible behavior in the kitchen. Since this is my blog though and I can say whatever I want, I’m diagnosing myself with kitchen anxiety. Kitchen anxiety is defined as a tensing of muscles, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, and a lack of metal clarity when entering a kitchen to prepare a meal. (note: this is an ailment and definition I made up, don’t go googling this disorder!)
The meal of choice was Quinoa Veggie Paella. Last night I was just hoping for smoother sailing then Sunday, not perfection. Did I get it? Sort of. I was very calm while I was taking my time prepping all the veggies and other ingredients. Then I looked at the clock and noticed more then half an hour had passed, that’s when the anxiety started. I was never going to get this meal cooked by a reasonable hour at the snails pace I was going! Panic, panic!! This quinoa is just flowing through the mesh of my strainer!! Help, help, HELP!! Anthony came in a fixed the quinoa situation by putting it in a bowl and rinsing it a few times that way. I also had problems chopping the leftover huge zucchini from the other day and Anthony took over that too. He obviously must be able to sense my anxiety times and just finishes steps for me. Trust me, I’m okay with that.
Time to cook. This recipe is actually pretty simple once you get everything prepped. Get the onion and garlic soft, than add the quinoa and saffron (I used something at Wegmans called American Saffron, it was $12 cheaper! It turns out the only similarity between the saffrons is color, American Saffron is basically useless for flavor) and cook for 2 more minutes. Then you add a bunch of stuff bell pepper, can of diced tomatoes, kidney beans, vegetable broth, cumin, chili powder, and smoked paprika (this is new for me, I normally just use regular paprika, but there is definitely a difference!). Cover, and cook for 15 minutes. Add the zucchini and cook another 5 minutes. Then add the peas and cook another 5 minutes. Technically by now the quinoa should be done, which mine was but it was still a little watery. I cooked it 3 minutes longer and just decided it was fine, because I’m such an expert! Instead of putting chopped artichokes on top, I put hearts of palm (I had a can of it on hand).
Yum! Those things are delicious!
My thoughts: Now that I realize that American Saffron is nothing like real saffron that might have been why this dish was lacking some flavor. I think I would add more spices, maybe even some hot sauce. I really couldn’t taste anything other then the tomatoes. I would love to try this recipe again and add some flavor to it, but Anthony didn’t care for the quinoa cooked this way. He said the texture reminded him more of the first time we tried it and didn’t like it. I on the other hand didn’t mind it. I’m either getting used to quinoa or I just ignoring it, because I know it’s really good for me! This dish is actually full of good for you foods!
Totals: 30 minutes prep (should have been maybe 15 minutes), 35 minutes cooking time, 1 pot, 1 strainer or bowl (for the quinoa)
I really need to address my kitchen anxiety. I shouldn’t panic over what time it is, or if I think I might panic just start cooking earlier. That’s what I plan on doing tonight. Next up Mexican Chicken.
Cooking quote of the day:
Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.-Harriet Van Horne
Please check out the links I recently added of blogs that I read regularly. I also added a link to a document with all the recipes I have used for this blog. I update it as often as I can!
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