Hesitant: adj. wavering, hesitating, or irresolute
Synonyms: afraid, backward, diffident, doubtful, half-hearted, lacking confidence, lazy, loath, slow, tentative, uneager, unpredictable, unsure, unwilling.
All of those words definitely describe cooking and me. Cooking and I have had a love hate relationship for as long as I can remember. I love food! If I could just eat and never have to be in a kitchen, I would be so stoked. Alas I can not afford to hire a private chef, eat out all the time, or force my husband to cook every night. The minute I step into the kitchen (knowing that cooking is in my near future), my heart starts beating fast. The main problem I have is fear. I’m scared that I will burn something or cut my finger off (the latter being a much worse fear!). Plus, I don’t have a ton of patience. Waiting for water to boil, is like a small hell for me.
Needless to say, the cooking process is very frustrating for me. I refuse to eat the same things all the time, so I constantly find new recipes to try. You would think if there are a few items I can cook (meatloaf, lasagna, and enchiladas) that I would just cook those as often as possible. Not me. I like to torture myself. Not to mention those items are far too unhealthy for me to cook on a continuous basis.
So the challenge is on. Can I gain the abilities that I am severely lacking? If I gain some of these skills, can I then gain some patience? Can I then turn that patience into affection for cooking? Then finally can it all just taste really good and can I stop burning the garlic?
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